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Is Tabita Skincare right for me? 

Adakah Tabita Skincare sesuai untuk saya?
Tabita Skincare is very suitable & compatible for all skin types. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, such as HYDROQUINON & MERCURY that may cause skin cancer.

Tabita Skincare sesuai dengan pelbagai jenis kulit bermasalah. Ramuan produk Tabita adalah semulajadi dan bebas dari bahan kimia yang berbahaya

What is the main ingredient Tabita Skincare? 
Apakah kandungan utama Produk Tabita Skincare?
Tabita skin care is a beauty product that uses papaya extract as its base material. Papaya extract has long been known for its nutritional value to overcome skin pigmentation and to give fairer skin complexion. 
Tabita skin care also contains varieties of vitamins, such as vitamin A, C and vitamin E. Each of these vitamins has distinctive properties, especially for the skin. Vitamin A helps dry up pimples and prevent the occurrence of acne, Vitamin C makes skin fresh, natural, while vitamin E that helps refine the skin.

Bahan utama Tabita Skincare adalah ekstrak dari betik yang sudah terkenal dengan khasiat semulajadinya yang boleh menghilangkan masalah kulit dan mencerahkan kompleksi kulit.

Is Tabita Skincare suitable for any skin type?
Adakah Tabita Skincare sesuai untuk pelbagai jenis kulit?
Tabita Skincare is ideal for all kinds of skin types.

Tabita Skincare memang sesuai dengan pelbagai jenis kulit. 

What are the reactions during application Tabita Skincare?
Apakah reaksi normal setelah mula menggunakan Tabita Skincare? 
Immediately after using Tabita Skincare, sore and skin will start to flake temporarily. Especially to users that have skin problem it will be a very common effect. However, don't stop using as these signs will stop after your skin is use to the products. 

Serta merta setelah menggunakan Tabita Skincare, kulit akan merasa pedih dan mula mengelupas terutamanya bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah kulit yang serius. Terus menggunakan produk Tabita Skincare kerana kulit akan menyesuaikan diri dengan produk. 

How do we know which is genuine?
Bagaimana cara untuk mengetahui yang mana produk asli?
It is true that 80% of the products sold in Malaysia are fake. However, you can read more on how to differentiate the genuine and fake from our web here and here.

Memang benar yang 80% dari produk yang diedar di Malaysia adalah tiruan. Walau bagaimanapun pembaca boleh mendapatkan maklumat bagaimana untuk membezakan produk tiruan dan asli di sini atau di sini.


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